Thursday, August 21, 2008


Went to ride the bike at the Y after work tonight. The ride went better today than during Tuesday. The bike said that I peddled 6.02 miles in twenty two minutes, the bike to 11. My pulse was 150 bps mostly. When I finished, I completed a relaxed cool-down. Then I walked, one step after another step, heel to toe without any assistance maintaining my own balance, to the sanitation stuff. I cleaned my own bike. I walked down all the stairs without assistance. I opened my car door, entered and sat in the seat without help and I drove the car.

On Tuesday, I peddled 7.03 miles during 22 minutes. My pulse was pushing 195 bps. Afterward, I needed help moving from the bike to a bench where I sat for about 10 minutes (while Abbey cleaned up after me (I'm lucky)). My head was spinning. I felt a little dizzy. It was unsettling and a little scary. Abbey helped by down the stairs and out the door, into the car and drove us home. We were not home more than a minute and I was in the shower. I felt a lot better after the shower. I agreed that I shouldn't push myself like that again.

When I peddled today, I listened to the Clouds Taste Metallic. It reminded me of 1998. I was thinking about fear, 1998 and the push for the Employee Free Choice Act in Congress today. For so many reasons, not the least including restoring and affirming the human right to bargain collectively again, it is very important that the next Congress passes and the President signs the Employee Free Choice Act into law.

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