Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We did it!

After 7 hours of peddling on Sunday, we rolled into Madison, completing the 125 mile ride; as of this second, we've raised just under $2000 to end multiple sclerosis. I'm thrilled. [NOTE: we ultimately exceeded our goal of raising $2,000!!!! Thank you givers!]

Someday, Abbey and I will do the ride again -- this time with more people -- we've already recruited others to ride with us!

Money raised on the ride and through other fundraising efforts are pooled and distributed to fund research to find a cure -- millions of dollars in grants have been distributed to Wisconsin researchers and others around the world.

We learned on this year's ride that the National Multiple Sclerosis Society has funded $550 million in research since 1947. Sounds like a lot of money, but that's nothing -- today I noticed WI's largest hospital had revenues of $600 million in 2000 alone. If we are spending $200 billion in Iraq each year, that's about $548 million per day.

Speaking of international relations and ms (bike rides against ms). While driving our bikes through the Wisconsin countryside, I observed:

* Too many to count moms, dads and their kids standing beside the road, on the curb, in the driveway, on the porch sharing smiles and words of encouragement;
* 3 large signs urging that the troops be brought home (including a really large one on the east bank of the Rock River);
* 2 Impromto beverage/water stands, unassociated with the NMSS support teams, setup up be generous amazing WI farmers;
* 2 French flags flying on rural WI porches.

The french flags made me smile and I felt a little saddened as I thought about the number of USA flags Abbey and I saw flying in all of Berlin, Prague and Vienna during May -- none! And then there would be another smiling face encouraging us.

While I felt like I fell down a flight of stairs yesterday, today I felt great. Continuing to drink large quanities of water made all the difference.


Curt said...

Scott - glad to hear you were successful in your 125 mile quest. I'm planning to ride next year. Hope to see you and Abbey again soon!

Chris Van Ert said...

In all the years I've been riding and racing I don't think I've done a ride longer than about 110 miles. Way to kick my butt! So glad to see you made it.